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This is possibly the greatest opportunity to reach behind the wall to the most populated part of the world for the end time harvest and would change these countries from the inside out.
By supporting this ministry, you will help fulfill the great commission.
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."- Matthew 24:14
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A look into the vision of Hope Radio
Hope Radio, formerly World Harvest Radio, has new owners. The mission and foundation of LeSEA Broadcasting Palau remains the same. That mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the most populated parts of the world, snatching people out of eternal damnation and bringing them to the saving power of Jesus Christ. By the preaching of the gospel, we will be encouraging Christians in possibly the most persecuted part of the world.
This was the mission of the founder of this ministry, Dr. Lester Sumrall and his son, Peter Sumrall. The only thing that has changed, is who has been entrusted with the responsibility of that mission. It is with gratitude that God has allowed us to be a part of the end time harvest. We look forward to serving you in this mission as a broadcaster or as a listener.
Radio Responses from Listeners

“But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Luke 14:13-14
Reaching 17 nations, 3.8 billion people, approximately 48% of the world's population with a message of HOPE

Pricing listed below covers one airing on one antenna
You may request to broadcast on your preferred antenna.
Airtime Blocks
This is possibly the greatest opportunity to reach behind the wall to the most populated parts of the world for the end time harvest. You can help change these countries from the inside out.
By supporting this ministry you will be fulfilling the great commission. Click below to learn more about becoming a broadcaster.
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If you are already a broadcaster and you would like to securely and conveniently make a payment, please click below.